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Arsenic and Old Lace

Written By Joseph Kesselring
Directed by Heidi Fliegelman

Pearson Auditorium

Friday, October 11 at 7:30pm
Saturday, October 12 at 7:30pm
Sunday, October 13 at 2:00pm
Friday, October 18 at 7:30pm
Saturday, October 19 at 7:30pm

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Production Staff

Director - Heidi Fliegelman
Production Manager: Christine Marchesano
Stage Manager - Amanda Kovaleski
Assistant Stage Manager - Riley Calpin
Dramaturge: Maddie Breske 
Technical Director - Emily O'Hara
Publicity Manager: Ashley Taylor 
Assistant Publicist: Abby Badro
Properties Managers - Mikey Malaszczyk & Lena Herman
Costumes Supervisor - Jen Lohrius
Hair Stylist: Lane Kolukisa
Assistant Hair Stylist: Maren Wood
Makeup Artist - Christine Marchesano 
House Design - Jenna Dorrian & Rebecca Hollomon
Lighting Designer - Jake Screen & Lu Vernola
Sound Designer - Kyle Cervellino

Abby Brewster- Maren Wood
Martha Brewster- Rachel Silver
Mortimer Brewster- Mikey Malaszczyk
Jonathan Brewster- Jake Steltz
Teddy Brewster- Patrick O'Neill
Dr. Einstein- Maddy Thompson
Elaine Harper- Ashley Taylor
The Reverend Dr. Harper- Chris Johnson
Officer Brophy- Caroline Berger
Officer O'Hara- Nehuen Quimey
Officer Klein- Michelle Lieberman
Mr. Gibbs- John Demko
Ms. Witherspoon- Brianna Hadley
Lieutenant Rooney - Frankie Scapoli

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