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Meet the Executive Board
Elizabeth Roth
Year: Junior
Major: Game Studies & Esports Management
Favorite E-52 Memory? "I really cherish every show I've gotten the chance to act in. I love when it all comes together and we get to perform in front of an audience. In particular, I loved my bit in The One Act Play That Goes Wrong whenever I got knocked out by the door as Sandra! I always got a big reaction from that! I also particularly liked Perfect Arrangment closing night!"
Ryan van Hilst
Vice President
Year: Senior
Major: Insect Ecology & Conservation & Plant Science
Favorite E-52 Memory? “Building the Into the Woods set. Whether laser cutting tree branches, painting mossy bricks on the tower, carving out boulders, or adorning Bacchus Theatre in ivy, there were so many little details that could not have happened without the contributions of so many talented people. I couldn't have done it without my friends...and don't even get me started on the paper mache parties for our beloved Milky White!.”
Noah Mummert
Year: Senior
Major: Music Education
Favorite E-52 Memory? “Sitting in the audience for every performance of Into the Woods was so genuinely magical. Watching the music we'd worked so hard on come together onstage was so inspiring, and I couldn't be prouder of the cast and crew!”
Lauren Fogle
Year: Junior
Major: Psychology
Favorite E-52 Memory? “Late night Bacchus rehearsals.”
Olivia Disant
Student Representative
Year: Junior
Major: Human Services
Favorite E-52 Memory? “Our last Spring Banquet was so special, being able to reminisce on our 2023-2024 productions and the amazing memories we all made as E52 family”
Natalie Bauder
Production Coordinator
Year: Senior
Major: Criminal Justice
Favorite E-52 Memory? “Building the Play That Goes Wrong set!”
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